
Deciding between the Free Version and the Pro Version? Use this handy comparison chart. Try the Free varsion today and you can upgrade to the Pro Version at any time.
  Free Version Pro Version
$79.00 / year
(create your account now)
(create your account now)

Total number of rentals you may manage under the plan

Unlimited Access
Access from anywhere

(you must have internet access)

Paperless system

Eliminate complicated and error prone filing systems. Manage your property on easy to read screens

Visual Representation

See your rooms and reservations visually on screen. Details about your customers and reservations are only a click away.

Error free Reservations

Quickly and easily make reservations and give out quotes. Never accidentally overbook.

Quotes and Bookings

Instantly recall any reservation or quote.

Customer Management

Remember past customers and never misplace a phone number or e-mail again.

Rooms & Rate Management

Powerful tools to manage rooms and rates. Group your rooms into categories and create rate periods to maximize profitability.

Rate Computations

Pillowcheck uses your room and rate schedule to automatically compute reservation rates.

E-mail templates / Communication

Integrated e-mail allows you to create e-mail templates to communicate with your customers. Built in e-mail functionality sends quotes, confirmations and thank-yous for you.

Wait Lists

Create wait lists in busy times. If a guest cancels, have a list of customers readily available to re-fill your rooms.

Referral Management

Track leads, advertising campaigns and referral sources.

Income Reports

View Gross and Net Income for any date period. See real time cash flor reporting.

Statistics Rerports

Yearly Comparisons

Compare the current years performance and income with performance from previous years.

Occupancy rates

Get up to the minute occupancy rates, by room, room type or property wide

Commission reports

View reservations by referral source and track commissions due to travel agents and rental services.


Gain valuable about your customers with up to the minute statistics on length of stay, average rate, total number of check ins and more.

Monthly Income Reports

View income by room or room type on a monthly and yearly basis, useful for benchmarking and goal setting.

Customer Lists

See all of your customers

Customer History

Keep track of return customers - see all inquiries, past stays and room preferences.

Daily Housekeeping

See all check-ins and check-outs for a given day as well as see which rooms are occupied.

User Access

The number of user accounts for your property

E-mail support    
Setup Assistance

We will assist you in setting up your property and getting the most out of PillowCheck

  Free Version Pro Version
$79.00 / year
(create your account now)
(create your account now)